My name is Ashleigh and I teach Japanese from Prep to Year 12 in Victoria Australia.
The majority of products available on this site are designed and created by me here in Australia. A simple idea of making hiragana trace boards mid 2019 turned into something much bigger. In the future we hope to have some products available that will will require to ship in from Japan.
My passion is teaching and my teaching philosophy is strive to make ever classroom an engaging and fun environment. I believe students learn best when they are in a state of joy.
I have been teaching at the start of 2009 so have now been teaching for over 10 years. Throughout my time teaching I have often been frustrated by the lack of quality long lasting resources available, particularly for older students that benefit as much as the Primary school students from doing activities such as puzzles.

This store has been created in order for fellow Japanese Teachers to access fun interactive resources.
The main aim of many of the resources is to share what I am using in my own Japanese classes an ability for others to use game play in the classroom that I see as such an important aspect of language study.
If students are having fun and that is the emotional state they are in they will absorb the information,